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STEM Family Book Club

The Atlanta CARES STEM Family Book Club was launched for middle school students and their parents to  foster a love of reading  by reading high interest  STEM related stories; to improve reading comprehension skills; to highlight a variety of STEM careers,  and to showcase the contributions of famous and unsung STEM innovators and entrepreneurs. The books are purchased by Atlanta CARES and shipped to the homes of the book club members each month via Amazon. The book club  meets once a month via Zoom from 5:30-6:30pm on the last Thursday of each month.

STEM Family Book Club Testimonial

Dear Ms. Coleman,

Thank you for letting me join the club. There are many reasons why I enjoy the book club. One reason is that my reading level has improved. My teacher told me that my reading level increased 60 points! Also, I’m learning new words and making friends along the way. I have gained new words and Istarted reading more books that were actually interesting. My favorite book is Some Places More Than Others by Renee Watson because I was able to relate to the main characters.
The book club has helped me by cultivating my reading skills and now I can read faster and I’m also better at setting reading goals, like finishing a book before the due date.
Katie Johnson 
Mrs. Coleman,
The STEM Book Club is a great idea and came at the most appropriate time. Considering the pandemic and learning loss, Katie and I are fortunate to have other avenues, such as the book club, to stay engaged with English Language Arts. I noticed during her time in the book clubKatie began to read more than in the past. In fact, I’ve seen her read a book that I felt might intimidate her because of the book‘s thickness and the number of pages. I hope that you’re able to continue the book club so that students, like Katie, have an opportunity to connect outside of school – giving them an alternative platform for learning and engaging with their peers.
Thank you again,
Adrian Neely
Katie Johnson’s Mother
Ms. Coleman,
Thank you for the opportunity extended to my daughter, Arii Dziengue, to participate in the STEM book club. Since joining the book club, Arii has been more inclined to read for pleasure beyond text assigned by her teachers. Being part of a book club places responsibility and accountability on my daughter to take ownership of the content she’s reading to engage with others and gain various points of view.   I know that reading has the power to broaden her perspectives, develop her imagination, and enhance her writing skills too. Although she has lots of books to read at home, she rarely prioritizes reading over other activities without reinforcement from me. The book club gives her an incentive to read without my influence, and that makes me happy.
Andrea Dziengue

Video by Katie Johnson